How can I keep a mother from getting her kids she abused back?

  • How can I keep a mother from getting her kids she abused back?

    Question by courtney_618: How can I keep a mother from getting her kids she abused back?
    My cousin called my Mom last May (the 19th) and asked her to take her 2 small children. She just showed up today, almost a year later with cops and her “lawyer” to get her kids. She had called my Mom because she was arrested in a meth lab with her 2 month old and she thought OCS was going to take them from her. My Mom had her sign a paper granting temperary custody, not to exceed 6 months, just long enough to go through her court appointed rehab. Well, she went once, but never completed it. She is now 7 months pregnant with another baby and still on crystal meth. When we got her 4 year old son, he was malnurished and had 4 abcessed teeth that my Mom had removed by a dentist. Her 8 month old daughter could not sit up and weighed more than her brother. Their “egg donor” had been feeding her bottles just to keep her quiet while she got high and then slept it off. Our family is devastated. Is there anything legal that can be done besides calling OCS to watch her like a hawk? Please Pray!

    Best answer:

    Answer by lexbeth4
    call children’s services immediately! talk to someone there and explain everything to them. they will be your most valuable resource in this. you don’t wanna take the kids back illegally, and this is your best bet to get them to safety legally.

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