flashlight case

  • flashlight case

    flashlight case
    funny lawyer
    Image by “Cowboy” Ben Alman
    as robyn and i finished the last of the closing paperwork for our new house, we watched, slightly perplexed, as the bank’s lawyer placed a nondescript grey box on the table in front of me. i’m not sure what robyn was thinking at the time, but i can tell you that even though we were completely ecstatic at finally buying the house for which we had been saving for the last few years, all i could think of was "is this for me?? a present???"

    so i did what any other red-blooded male would do, i opened the box, and inside i discovered this flashlight, batteries included! and let me tell you, nothing says "thanks, from your lender, for hundreds of thousands of dollars of future loan interest" than a branded flaslight.

    so, afterwards, as i stood wondering what exactly i was going to do with our awesome new flashlight, it dawned on me that at least it came with a *really* nice case, you know, the house

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