I often hear people say “you’d be a fool to represent yourself in court, you need a lawyer!”?

  • I often hear people say “you’d be a fool to represent yourself in court, you need a lawyer!”?

    Question by Healthy Environment: I often hear people say “you’d be a fool to represent yourself in court, you need a lawyer!”?
    Wouldn’t judges decide the case based on its CONTENT,
    not on whose arguing the case?

    I mean, just because lawyers have been to law school doesn’t mean they’re smart.
    I know lots of college graduates who are dumbasses.

    What’s so important about having a lawyer to represent you?

    Best answer:

    Answer by slycye99
    For the same reason when you break your leg you go to a doctor or when a pipe in your house bursts you don’t call a dentist.

    Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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