Should I “Find a lawyer” before I need one?

  • Should I “Find a lawyer” before I need one?

    Question by Brad: Should I “Find a lawyer” before I need one?
    I watch a lot of shows like L&O and stuff, and they always say “let me call my lawyer”, or when they get arrested, they get one call and call their lawyer.

    I doubt I’ll ever need a lawyer, but who knows, maybe I’ll get a speeding ticket for driving 130 on the highway, or get accused of doing something I didnt do?

    Should I do some research and find a lawyer in case I ever need one so I can keep their phone number on hand for emergencies?

    Best answer:

    Answer by Jerry
    I suppose, but you can find one after getting arrested, before your trial ofcourse.

    Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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